Ghum Asena Duchokhe l ঘুম আসেনা দুচোখে l Pallab Mondal Song l Bengali Original Modern Song 2021
Ghum Ghum Ghum Asena Duchokhe Rim Jhim Bristi Saradin Jhare Parche Meghlai Urche Pakhi Hoye Monta Jete Chai Dur Diganter...
A journey of a very common girl….a journey of a girl who found a good friend in the crowd….a journey of two teenagers who shared their joy & sorrow together….a journey of two young friends who found their soulmates in each other…a journey of a girl who gradually moved into her womanhood…
Melody of this song will touch your heart….
The journey will bring smile in your face while you will find yourself there…
The song will make you nostalgic and definitely take you back to your old days and bring smile in your face.